09 October 2009

Tulip Sunday

I went to Tulip Sunday.

There were lots of bands playing there.

The huge hill:
I climbed up this big hill. It has lots of long grass on it as you can see.

The multi coloured tulip:
I took a photo of this multi coloured tulip. I think it looks cool.

The bright red tulip:
This bright red tulip looks rather striking doesn't it?

The yellow and maroon tulips:
These yellow and maroon tulips look cool don't they?

The white tulips:
Here are some white tulips. They look pretty don't you think?


Ronnie said...

It must have been fun, Hazel.

Liz said...

The Tulips are beautiful, Hazel - it looks like it was a nice sunny day too.

Nana said...

What nice photos, Hazel. All the tulips are very pretty, but I think the multi-coloured ones are my favourite.